Labels:text | screenshot | black and white | black | document OCR: Ing a long Bromocriptine has the advantage of hav trated duration of action, which can be demon ary cells of using an in vitro system. Anterior pituit re a prolactinoma from a female patient w s, and dispersed, placed in a perfusion apparatu ere perfused continuously. When the cells v exposed to dopamine, prolactin secretior inhibited, but within ten minutes after t lon withdrawal of dopamine, prolactin secre ximately increased, becoming maximal after appr nhibited fifteen minutes. Prolactin secretion was . When on exposure of the cells to bromocriptin wer, the bromocriptine was withdrawn, how for over prolactin secretion remained suppressed e, prolactin three hours. On re-exposure to dopamin ering againsecretion was once more inhibited, reco ts are on withdrawal of dopamine. These resu su ...